Day 7 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

NIMROD HALL TRAVEL LOG Day 7 – Around Nimrod My husband and I spent the day in Clifton Forge (visiting Alleghany Highlands Arts and the C&O Railroad Museum) and in Hot Springs (at the Bath County Art Show). To get from one to the other, we drove Rt 606. Writing was never far from my […]

Day 5 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

Nimrod Hall Travel Log Day 5 Once upon a time, and for a long time, there was a boys’ camp here. I think that ended somewhere around 1950. This morning’s walk took me by the remains. Earlier, I posted a picture of folks waiting for the breakfast bell. FYI, all meals are served family style. […]

Day 3 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

Nimrod Hall Travel Log Day 3 Yesterday was a tough writing day. I couldn’t control the movements of my cursor–no creating, editing, or even printing documents. At a writing workshop! I tried everything I or others could think of. By late afternoon I was ready to pull my flat hair out by the roots. But […]

Day 2 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

Nimrod Hall Travel Log Day 2 At the Nimrod Writers’ Workshops, the first thing to go is sleep. The second thing is any pride of appearance. I live in T-shirts, scrub pants, and Tevas. Here I am doing my after-dinner reading, from DIFFERENT DRUMMER, “The Darwinian Co-Op Lending Library.” Today was my big day to […]

Day 1 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

  Nimrod Hall Travel Log Day 1 Midnight is approaching. I’m wiped out–equal parts exhaustion and expectation! Sheri Reynolds is the writer-in-residence for Week 1. I met her this afternoon when she helped unload my “stuff,” got to know her a bit during our organizational meeting, and heard her read in our after-dinner session. She […]

Off to Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop

Nimrod Hall Travel Log Heading Out For many years I’ve traveled to Nimrod Hall in Millboro, Virginia, for their annual writing retreat. Nimrod has inspired several of my stories and given me hours of valuable writing time.  This year, I’ll share a brief travel log. So, I’ve packed for Nimrod. This photo doesn’t include  laptop or the […]