Nimrod Hall Travel Log
Day 2
At the Nimrod Writers’ Workshops, the first thing to go is sleep. The second thing is any pride of appearance. I live in T-shirts, scrub pants, and Tevas. Here I am doing my after-dinner reading, from DIFFERENT DRUMMER, “The Darwinian Co-Op Lending Library.”
Today was my big day to be “on”: I had group critiques of a memoir and of a short story, and tonight I read. I always like to clear my obligations ASAP so I can work on the pieces after.
A lot of good writers are here this year. Three more days won’t be enough!
UPDATE: Nimrod Hall, established in 1783, has been providing summer respite from everyday stress since 1906. It has been operating as an artist and writer colony for over 25 years. The Nimrod Hall Summer Arts Program is a non-competitive, inspirational environment for artists to create without the distractions of everyday life. The 2015 Writers’ Workshop writers-in-residence are Sheri Reynolds, Cathryn Hankla, and Charlotte G. Morgan.