Day 11 at Nimrod Hall Writers’ Workshop


Day 11

This picture from my morning walk is just a reminder that Nimrod is very rural. One sees old cisterns, cow pastures, horses grazing… In years past I’ve seen deer, close enough to photograph, but the rabbits are usually too fast and always too small.

hay bales in morning mist, Nimrod Hall, Virginia
Morning walk at Nimrod Hall

The wonder of the morning, however, was absolutely stationary: one of the most notable trees of Virginia. Here I am, standing inside the biggest sycamore I’ve ever seen.

Author Vivian Lawry standing inside giant, hollow sycamore tree
Me inside the tree

Indeed, here are all of the Week 2 writers with this tree.

Nimrod Hall Summer Arts Program writers standing inside giant hollow sycamore tree
Week 2 writers with the tree

I will not tell you where it is, for the property owner treasures his privacy. But when last officially measured, it was 33′ in circumference and 105′ tall. This tree is incredible.

Hollow in giant sycamore tree near Nimrod Hall, Virginia
View of the tree

Here it is from the other side. I can imagine children sheltering from the rain, or defending the castle. Or maybe the attackers were pirates, for the tree overlooks water, as sycamores do.

View of river and riverbank near Nimrod Hall, Virginia
View from the tree

Returning to reality–if  writing fiction can be labeled reality–I started restructuring my novel. News flash: deciding to do it is a whole lot easier than doing it!

Because we are such an intimate group this week, only one writer was “on” today, Jane Shepherd. Jane writes memoir and fiction.

Author Jane Shepherd holding paper mâché wedding cake
Jane Shepherd

We were together when I found the diary and scrapbook that launched me into my historical novel. AND she is the one who brought the wedding cake seen here and in earlier posts.

At Nimrod there is a sameness, but always a new adventure. I love it.

Nimrod Hall, established in 1783, has been providing summer respite from everyday stress since 1906. It has been operating as an artist and writer colony for over 25 years. The Nimrod Hall Summer Arts Program is a non-competitive, inspirational environment for artists to create without the distractions of everyday life. The 2015 Writers’ Workshop writers-in-residence are Sheri Reynolds, Cathryn Hankla, and Charlotte G. Morgan


Off to Nimrod Hall 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10