I don’t know whether I’m on a roll or in a rut. Having considered the variety of bed activities people indulge in, I was primed to notice what’s going on on the road. The other day, I stopped at a traffic light and saw a woman in the car next to mine was putting on mascara and eyeliner. So here we go!
Besides driving and riding. . .
Please note: Some of these are much better done while riding than while driving! (Or not being done at all…)

- Catch up on email
- Brush or floss teeth
- Needlework, especially knitting
- Play travel games, such as “I spy…” or rhyming
- Usually involves at least one child

- Meditate or pray
- Eat, sometimes an entire meal
- Drink
- Read
- eReader or physical book
- Listen to audiobook
- Listen to music
- Learn music
- Talk on the phone
- Text
- Update social media
- Apply or fix makeup
- Comb/style hair
- Argue
- Get a man to really talk
- Research has established that men driving, eyes straight ahead, are more likely to engage in sustained and/or intimate conversation
- Translate vanity plates into words
- Watch videos
- Work on laptop
- Catch up on the news
- Save money on insurance by driving safely
- Urinate in a bottle
- Not easily accomplished for females
- Change glasses
- Put in contact lenses
- Change masks
- Pick nose
- Trim nose hair
- Groom fingernails
- File
- Glue
- Polish
- Clip or polish toenails
- Prop one or both feet on dashboard
- Smoke or vape
- (In many states, it is now illegal to smoke near hospitals or with a child in the car)
- Change clothes
- Steer with knees or forearms
- Get a massage Some car seats are made for it now
- Pick up hitch-hikers
- Suffer road rage
- Honk the horn
- Flip someone the bird
- Turn headlights on/off
- Take pictures
- Practice a foreign language
- Crying or weeping
- Sing along with the music in your head
- Ask “Are we there yet?” every thirty seconds
Bottom line: can you spell distracted driving?