The fun begins! No doubt we will hear and read a lot about the races in the week ahead. Your challenge for this week is to consider the following writing prompts and write a story—or more than one! Fiction, genre, style, none of that matters to me. Just be sure bicycles are a central element. Please share what you create!
Write a story in which a bicycle is central to love and/or romance.
Write about how and why this bicycle is on the roof of a dry cleaning business.
Write a story about biking under the influence. (My preference is that the message be it isn’t a good thing to do—but that isn’t a rule!)
Write about someone who commutes by bicycle.
Write about bicycles that are able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!
And in the spirit of Stephen King (a write-by-the-seat-of-his-pants author who starts with a single question): What if a cyclist on a country road suddenly realizes that his bicycle is turning to jelly? What if bicycles could reproduce the way (choose an animal) do? What if bicycles had secret night lives? Or start with your own What if...?