If you read only one magazine for writers, make it Poets & Writers. This is a bi-monthly publication that covers the waterfront for writers. Regardless of your genre, reason for writing, or skill level, there’s something here for you.
In the last six issues, topics covered include articles on literary agents and the business of writing; hot new writers; MFA programs; writing contests; and a personal favorite of mine, from last Sept/Oct issue, “Big Ideas for the Next President.”
Although there is a clear recognition of young emerging writers, P&W also carried a piece about 5 debut authors over 50—which is very comforting and inspirational for those of us who think we might have started too late.
As you can see from this Jan/Feb 2017 cover, topics for each issue range broadly, from learning from rejection to writing about trauma. The next issue featured George Saunders, known for his short stories, who has written a debut novel; also included are articles on writing getaways and retreats and savvy self-publishing.
The most recent issue again dips into current events, with its article on the NEA at risk/the arts funding under Trump.
I cannot endorse Poets & Writers too strongly. At least get a trial subscription.
P.S. Every issue includes writing prompts!