I took a couple of philosophy courses in college, and trust me, they didn’t have titles anything like these books! But for your reading pleasure, here are a variety of possibilities:
The Beatles and Philosophy: Popular Culture and Philosophy, edited by Michael & Steven Baur
Sherlock Holmes and Philosophy: The Footprints of a Gigantic Mind, edited by Josef Steiff
Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside,edited by C. Lewis & P. Smithka [Photo credit: Amazon]
Star Trek and Philosophy: The Wrath of Kant, edited by J.T.Eberl & K.S. Decker
The Grateful Dead and Philosophy: Tetting High Minded About Love and Haight, edited by Steven Gimbel
Pink Floyd and Philosophy: Careful that Axiom, Eugene!, edited by George A. Reisch
The first and last titles say it all! The various volumes focus on issues of life, love, society, politics, spirituality, personal identity, art, ethics, conflict, community, cosmos, truth, American identity, justice, human fulfillment, meaning-of-life, obesity, animal rights, political correctness, religious tolerance, homophobia, moral responsibility, social justice, patriotism, romantic love, artistic creativity, and class oppression. Here’s a chance to explore the more serious underpinning of popular culture that, possibly, account for the popularity. Check these books out online; there’s something for every reader here!