Books I Bought on a Whim

Top Ten Tuesday, Broke and Bookish, Books I picked up on a whim
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, they provide a prompt for bloggers. Today’s prompt is Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim.
Actually, this could apply to most of the books currently on my shelves. I almost never set out to buy a particular book. I see it and I want it. And so, in no particular order, here are a few of my whimsies.


Books I Bought on a Whim: the Bizarre

I’m attracted to anything with bizarre in the title. Who wouldn’t want to know about peculiar precipitation, from colored rain to frog falls? It may be comforting to know that not even acid can dissolve a diamond. And if you ever came across a Hercules beetle, you’d know it by its 7-inch length.
Bizarre Weather and The Book of Bizarre Truths

Books I Bought on a Whim: Skulls

I like skulls. I have half a dozen pairs of skull earrings, 3 rings, 4 pendants, and 1 bracelet. I bought this book by mail-order, and it covers everything from the empire of the dead to tattoo skulls.
The Mammoth Book of Skulls, book whim
The Mammoth Book of Skulls

Books I Bought on a Whim: the Horrible

And then there are books that just appeal to me as a mystery writer—and as one fascinated by death.

Books I Bought on a Whim: Bob Dylan

I first loved Dylan lyrics when I heard his songs sung by others. It took a long time for me to appreciate his voice. And truth be told, I seldom even glance at this book. I just like knowing it’s on the shelf.
Bob Dylan lyrics, book, whim
Bob Dylan Lyrics

Books I Bought on a Whim: Writing Journals

I’ve written in my diary every night for decades. I’ve kept notes and files related to writing ideas and projects. But I’ve never kept a writing journal. Maybe that’s why I buy every one I see!
Journals by Hawthorne, Christie, and Cheever, books I bought on a whim
Journals by Hawthorne, Christie, and Cheever

Books I Bought on a Whim: Chagall’s Illustrated Bible

I bought this book after having seen it briefly in a writing class. You may remember my blog comments about cross-over art. Chagall’s illustrations cover only Genesis, Exodus, and The Song of Solomon. The text is set in paragraphs. The combination of format and paintings makes the words themselves fresh.
illustrated Bible, Chagall, books i bought on a whim
Chagall’s illustrations of Genesis, Exodus, and The Song of Solomon

Books I Bought on a Whim: the Dark Side

Books that deal with the dark side—for example, the books in the Postsecret series—are highly inspirational for writers. This book is similar. It covers shameful confessions to all the deadly sins, plus miscellaneous.
Not Proud: A Smorgasbord of Shame, Books I bought on a whim
Not Proud: A Smorgasbord of Shame
This book I bought because the title is such a cliché, and because it reminded me of BONK: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex (Mary Roach). 
Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll, books I bought on a whim
Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll

Books I Bought on a Whim: Repeats

Last but not least, here are 5 books I bought on a whim more than once! Don’t ask.
books I bought on a whim

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