True story: the first minute I was alone with my future father-in-law, he said, “Tell me. What were the guiding principles by which you were reared?” He was a retired dean, and it felt for all the world like a job interview. I paused, never having thought about this issue in quite such a direct way, answered, and it must have been okay because after I became his daughter-in-law we got along very well.
Writers: What are the basic principles that shape your character(s) behavior?
These are “truths” that might have been taught directly, or just pulled out of the air. In any event, consider the following possibilities.

-Tiana, The Princess and The Frog
- If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right
- Finish what you start
- If at first you don’t succeed, try again
- The only thing worse than failure is not having given it your best effort
- Honesty is the best policy
- Your word is your bond
- Treat others as you want to be treated

-Lord Farquaad, Shrek
- Always look out for number one
- Winning is everything
- There’s a sucker born every minute
- Play the angles
- Always fight to win
- You can’t trust anyone farther than you can throw ‘em
- You either take or get taken
- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

-Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender
- It’s better to give than to receive
- The meek shall inherit the earth
- Cleanliness is next to godliness
- Take care of family first
- Live well and you’ll be rewarded, if not in this life then in the hereafter
- Pride goes before a fall
- Turn the other cheek
- The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world

– General Mandible, Antz
- Benefit to many outweighs benefit to one
- Community is stronger than an individual
- Trust in the Leader/ Group
- Sink or swim together
- The nail that stands out gets hammered down
- Every cog is needed for the machine to function
- United we stand; divided we fall
- Work is its own reward
Writers: What are the principles your character has internalized that determine how s/he behaves, feels, and thinks?