Lies, They’re Everywhere

For purposes of this blog, I’ve used one of the many dictionary definitions of a lie: an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker or writer to be untrue, intended to deceive. In spite of the generally held belief that lying is a bad thing, and all the admonishments of “thou shalt not lie,” people do—surprisingly often! How often? On average, a person lies 11 time per week.

Lying Statistics

Check out these statistics from Cross River Therapy, Bright Futures, and other sources across the web.

At four years of age, 90% of kids understand the meaning of lying. Typically, a child tells his or her first lie between ages 2 and 3.

  • Parents are the primary victims of lying, with 86% of lies being told to them.
  • Second to parents are friends, lied to 75% of the time.
  • Siblings are the third most lied to, accounting for 73% of victims.
  • The fourth most lied to are our spouses, lied to 69% of the time.
  • 12% of people 18 and older lie sometimes or quite often.
  • Online, people lie most often on dating sites, where 90% of participants engage in untruthfulness.
  • On CVs and resumes, 31% of people admit to lying.
  • On average, people tell six lies every day, whether to supervisors, partners, spouses, or workmates.
  • 80% of women tell half-truths on occasion.
  • Lying on a phone call during voice chat is 70% more likely than a face-to-face chat.
  • 10% of all lies can be defined as exaggerations, though 60% of all those lies are considered to be deceptive.
  • Of all liars, 70% of them say they are willing to do it again.

Don’t Lie at the Doctor’s Office!

Lying to a medical provider can cause serious problems with your health!

  • Doctors hear many lies; 13% of patients admit to lying when talking to their physicians. This could be regarding the number of times one has smoked tobacco, taken medication, or engaged in intimacy without protection.
  • Medical providers consider stretching the truth to be a form of lying, an occurrence committed by 32% of all patients at hospitals and healthcare centers.
  • 30% of patients have lied about their exercise routine and food-eating habits.
Doctors and nurses can tell when you’re lying.

Lying Research

In a study of 11,366 lies told by 632 people over 91 days, 75% of them lied between 0 or 2 times per day. 6% of the participants had low lying levels, though they lied more often on some days at random. In total, most of the lies were trivial, such as lying about how well one’s day was going.

Interestingly, one study found a link between truthfulness and health. Participants who refrained from telling any lies for ten weeks experienced improvements in their physical and mental health. Those in the control group experienced no such improvements.

During most communication, only 10% of the lies people tell are major lies. 90% of the time, the lies are trivial.

When the Lies Come Out

Everyone lies at times. When meeting someone for the first time, a person will lie to them twice or 3 times within a ten-minute time frame.

  1. 60% of people lie at least once in a 10-minute conversation.
  2. Men lie 6 times a day on average, while women lie 3 times a day on average.
  3. 80% of women admit to lying to their partner about their spending habits.
  4. 50% of teenagers admit to lying to their parents about their whereabouts.
  5. 81% of people lie about their height, weight, or age online.
Some politicians might be skewing these averages…

6. Politicians lie on average once every five minutes during a debate.

One study found that people are more likely to lie in the afternoon than in the morning, suggesting that willpower and self-control may play a role in our honesty levels throughout the day.

In another study, researchers studied lies over a brief period. The variety of people’s lies tended to fluctuate. People who lie more often show greater variation than those who lie less often. The top 1% of all liars (who lied 17 times each day) had the most variance. The participants with little variance were the 1%, with nearly no instances of lying.

Why Do People Lie?

Lying allows a person to establish perceived control over a situation by manipulating it. It’s a defense mechanism that (seemingly) prevents them from being vulnerable, that is, to not open up and reveal their true self to another person.

Everyone knows that not all lies are the same. For example, the statistic above that only 10% of lies were serious. But how else can they be classified?

“I’d love to come to your party, but I have to walk my fish.”
  • 21% of people lie to avoid being around other people
  • 20% of people lie to be humorous, such as when telling a joke or making a prank
  • Self-protection is the reason for 14% of people who lie
  • 13% of liars do so to make a good impression on others, or to appear more favorable to them
  • 11% of liars do it to protect someone else
  • Personal gain or benefits are the reason that 9% of people tell lies
  • 2% of liars do it with the sole intent to hurt someone else
  • 5% of liars are unspecified, doing it for no stated reason

Fear of punishment is the most common reason for lying, with 27% of people admitting to it.

  • 23% of people lie to protect themselves or others from harm
  • 20% of people lie to avoid embarrassment or shame
  • 14% of people lie to gain power or advantage over others
  • 9% of people lie out of habit or compulsion

Who Do People Lie To?

  • 56% of people admit to lying to their boss or supervisor.
  • 42% of people have lied to their significant other about something significant.
  • 39% of people have lied to their friends at least once.
  • 28% of people have lied to a healthcare provider.
  • 23% of people have lied to their children.
  • 18% of people have lied on a job application.

White Lies

These are the most common type of lie, with 72% of people admitting to telling them. People often tell harmless white lies to be polite or to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.

“What a great gift. I love it. Really.”
  • Lies about personal accomplishments:
    • 64% of people admit to lying in this way. These can include exaggerating one’s own achievements or skills, or taking credit for something they didn’t do.
  • Lies about emotions:
    • 63% of people admit to telling these kinds of lies. These can include pretending to be happy when you’re really upset, or saying something doesn’t bother you when it really does.
  • Lies about whereabouts:
    • 60% of people admit to lying about where they are at any given time. This could be because they don’t want others to know where they are, or because they want to appear more interesting than they actually are.

Target of Our Lies

According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2020, many people report that they have been lied to by someone they know:

  • Friends: 80%
  • Romantic partners: 70%
  • Family members: 69%
  • Coworkers: 64%
  • Acquaintances: 40%

Interestingly, the survey also found that people were more likely to be lied to by someone they knew than by a stranger. (Or maybe those are just the lies they know about!)

The Most Common Lies People Tell

“I’m fine.” This is perhaps the most common lie people tell, with 60% of people admitting to telling this lie. Often used as a response to the question “How are you?” when they’re really not feeling okay.

“I’m right around the corner, honest!”

“I’ll be there in five minutes.” This lie is told by 40% of people, and it’s often used when running late or stuck in traffic.

“I’m on my way.” 35% of people admit to using this lie when they’re not even close to leaving their current location.

“I didn’t see your message/call.” This is a common excuse for not responding to messages or calls, and 30% of people admit to using it.

“I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.” This lie is often used when signing up for online services, with 25% of people admitting to not actually reading the terms and conditions before agreeing to them. (I’m surprised this number isn’t higher; experts estimate we’d have to spend an average of 250 hours every year if we actually read all the terms and conditions we agree to!)

The Consequences of Lies: Damaged Trust, Legal Consequences, and More

Lying can damage trust and relationships. In a study conducted by the University of California, Santa Barbara, participants who were told that their partner had lied to them in a game were less likely to cooperate with their partner in future interactions.

“So tell me more about your experience curing cancer and solving world hunger.”

Lying can have negative effects on mental health. Research has found that individuals who frequently lie experience more anxiety, depression, and stress than those who are more honest.

Lying can lead to legal consequences. In a survey conducted by the American Management Association, 21% of respondents reported that they had been involved in a lawsuit where lying was a contributing factor.

Lying can damage one’s reputation and credibility. A CareerBuilder study found that 58% of employers have caught an employee lying on their resume, which could lead to termination or difficulty finding future employment opportunities.

Lying can become a habit, and frequent liars may find themselves telling lies even when there is no real benefit to doing so. This can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety, as well as damage to personal relationships. Additionally, some people may have a pathological tendency to lie, which can be indicative of deeper psychological issues.

Psychology of Lies

To truly understand the psychology of lying, it is important to examine the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to the behavior. By doing so, we can gain a greater understanding of how lying impacts our lives and the lives of those around us.

While lying is a common human behavior, some people lie more frequently than others. Here are some reasons why this might be the case:

  1. Certain personality traits, such as narcissism or low self-esteem, may lead individuals to lie more frequently.
  2. Growing up in an environment where lying is normalized or even encouraged can make it more likely for individuals to adopt the same behavior.
  3. People who have experienced trauma or abuse may use lying as a coping mechanism to protect themselves or avoid further harm.

Although lying can serve a purpose in the short term, it can also have negative consequences on one’s personal and professional life. Frequent lying can damage trust and relationships with others, lead to legal issues, and cause mental health problems like anxiety and guilt.

How to Catch Lies

People tend to give verbal or physical “tells” when they aren’t being truthful.

“And then, uh, the, um, the banana peel I slipped on, er, a dog ate it. Yeah, and then, uh, all the lights went out and so, um, nobody could see it. And that’s how I lost my pants!”
  • Being vague and offering few details
  • Repeating questions before answering them
  • Repeating the same story over and over
  • Speaking in sentence fragments
  • Explaining things in strict chronological order
  • Sounding like they are repeating a rehearsed script
  • Failing to provide specific details when a story is challenged
  • Failing to give a straightforward response to a simple yes or no question
  • Grooming behaviors such as playing with hair or pressing fingers to lips
  • Physical changes that indicate a fight-or-flight response, like increased sweating, muscle tension, restlessness, and fidgeting

The consequences of lying are not as simple as they might seem. People often think that lies breed contempt and guilt, but they do much more.

The Upside of Lying?

They foster relationships, build trust, destroy social networks, create social networks, make people more creative, and influence how often other people lie.

Lie is a harsh word. Often people soften the act for their own self-concept or to minimize negative fallout.

For example, here are a few of the many synonyms for telling lies:

MisinformTake someone in
String someone alongBlur the truth
Pull someone’s legFake someone out

Bottom Line: Virtually everyone lies. Some motives are more benign than others. Some consequences are more serious than others. Not all lies can be painted with the same brush!


Are you sure I can believe you?

When someone says something that isn’t true, it’s a lie—except when it isn’t!  For writers, any untruth can be a tool for building character, plot, tone, etc.  I can think of three situations when an untruth isn’t a lie.

1) The person telling the untruth is incapable of discerning what the truth is.  Very young children will often lie because there is no real difference between fantasy and reality in their mind.  The cardboard box really did become a rocket ship.  A mermaid and a kracken really did come to play in the bathtub.

Depending on the age of the child, this may extend to what seems to adults to be attempts to get out of trouble or deflect blame.  Because a child’s sense of reality is not concrete, what an adult sees as a lie a child may simply see as very effective wishful thinking.

Grandmom said I can play with power tools!

Children may also respond with the first answer to come into their mind that they think an adult wants to hear.  This is true both for extremely young children who simply try to give an answer they think the adult wants to hear and for children who have trouble concentrating or remembering, such as those with ADD or ADHD.

Of course I took a bath!

Dr. Kang Lee, a psychologist at the University of Toronto, sees lying as an indicator of developmental status.  I’ll skip the research methodology and simply cite the findings.  When asked whether they had peeked behind a screen: of those who had peeked, 30% of two-year-olds, 50% of three-year olds, and about 80% of eight-year-olds lied about it.

I saw everything!

2) The person telling the untruth suffers some form of dementia.  For example, an obvious case would be a woman in a memory care facility who tells visiting relatives that she baked a chocolate cake and everyone at the party said how good it was, and Paul Newman came in through the window and danced with her.


Another version, often harder to detect, is the person who has temporal confusion.  For example, a man who says that his son came to see him yesterday and it was actually last week.  (Think false alibi!)
 white text

3) The speaker believes something is true that isn’t. In other words, the speaker is mistaken.  It could be a misunderstanding of something seen, read or heard—but it could also be that the speaker was intentionally deceived so that s/he would spread a lie.

Which brings us to real lies as opposed to untruths: to make an untrue statement with the intention to deceive.  But writers, go beyond the direct lie and use, half-truths, exaggerations, or pertinent omissions.


Not a rare behavior for people or characters.  Indeed, Kendra Cherry writing on pointed out that actual research about lying is relatively recent, and data replications are hard to come by, but some surveys suggest that as many as 96% of people admit to lying at least sometimes.

In 1996, Bella DePaulo, a psychologist at the University of Virginia, published the results of a study in which 147 people between the ages of 18 and 71 kept a diary of all the falsehoods they told over the course of a week.  She found that most people lie at least once or twice every day!  Over the course of a week, people lied in approximately 20% of social interactions lasting 10 minutes or more.  They deceived about 30% of those they interacted with one-on-one.


Although she didn’t find gender differences in number of lies, there were relationship differences.  Parents and teens interactions are often deceitful: “College students lie to their mothers in one out of two conversations.”

Little white lies.  These lies are typically meant to do some good—or at least do no harm.  For example, complimenting a friend’s shirt when you really think it looks dreadful.  Coming late to a meeting and saying you were held up by an accident on the interstate when you really overslept.


Although pretty much everyone is told from a young age that it’s always best to tell the truth, the fact is that telling the truth (about oversleeping, for example) may be punished (for example, by a poor performance review).  Thus, society often encourages or even rewards lying.

Illustration by Boyd Wilcox

Some lies may serve as a social lubricant.  DePaulo (above) found that 25% of lies were “fake positives” intending to make the other person feel better about someone or something.  These were 10 to 20 times more common than lies in which people pretend to like someone or something less than they actually do (fake negatives).


But beware: according to Wanda Thibodeaux on, telling lies to spare someone’s feelings is not good in the long run.  Yes, we do take the liar’s intention into account, but it also raises doubts about whether a person willing to lie to us actually has our best interests at heart.  These lies can cause doubt, uncertainty, suspicion, and trust  issues.

White lies made up to excuse being late, unprepared, unwilling to do something, etc. bring into question a character’s ultimate trustworthiness.


Also, telling little white lies can desensitize the liar, making it easier to tell bigger/more serious lies.


People lie for the same reason they do everything else: a lie is the best perceived alternative at the time.  Thus, lies are a means to an end, and those ends can be broadly grouped into four overlapping categories; to get what they want, to take the easy way out, to avoid criticism, to build a positive self-image.  The likelihood of lying increases when someone is “pushed into a corner” or needs to react quickly.


1) To get what they want.  This could be almost anything.  In relationships, it might be to attract a partner, to hide cheating, to get a partner to agree to sex, to avoid an argument—and these are just a few possibilities.


In the workplace, lying to get ahead, discredit the competition, get even with a colleague, take credit for someone else’s work, cover up procrastination, avoid being fired, etc.

Mr. Fluffers does not tolerate tardiness.

In any relationship, people lie for quick financial gain, to avoid taking responsibility or unwanted chores, to be liked/popular, or nearly any other objective that the liar sees as more important (at the moment) than the truth.

2) To take the easy way out.  This overlaps with the good Little White Lies above, not wanting to deal with hurt feelings, for example.  It also includes plagiarizing and making up data in a research project.


Fixed it!

3) To avoid criticism.  When people aren’t comfortable with some aspect of their behavior, character, or past they are prone to deceive in any of the ways mentioned above (lie, half-truths, exaggerations, intentional omissions).  Closely related to inflate one’s image, to cover up for a mistake, or to excuse doing something wrong.


4) To build a positive self-image.  Basically, this is lying to oneself.  The liar wants something to be true and pretends that it is until eventually s/he believes it.  Making excuses for behavior or thoughts or wishes that at some level are unacceptable to the self.


Other reasons people lie
  • One lie has led to another, especially good for writers. (Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.—Walter Scott)
  • To be malicious and hurt other people
  • To take control of a situation
  • To hide a disorder such as an eating disorder, compulsive gambling, alcoholism, etc., which goes beyond avoiding criticism
  • It is integral to certain occupations
Pathological lying.  A person who feels compelled to lie, and will do so with no apparent benefit to self or others is a pathological liar.  This is often part of a diagnosis of a mental health disorder:
  • Antisocial personality/sociopathy (no regard for right or wrong, no remorse, often become criminals)
  • Borderline personality (varying moods and behavior, often impulsive, conducive to unstable relationships)
  • Histrionic personality (exaggerated emotions, demanding attention seeking behavior)
  • Factitious disorders (acting as if s/he has a physical or mental illness but does not)
The severity and frequency of lying, and the reasons for lying are what point to a psychological problem.


How to tell when someone is lying.  (As summarized by Kendra Cherry, above.)
Folk wisdom is wrong.  It says that liars tend to fidget, squirm, avoid eye contact or have shifty eyes when lying.  Research indicates that these are virtually useless as indicators.  (Looking away, for example, is more likely to indicate the person is trying to access long term memory.)


Some of the most accurate (although still weak) indicators of lying:
  • Being vague, offering few details
  • Repeating questions before answering them
  • Speaking in sentence fragments
  • Failing to provide specific details when a story is challenged
  • Grooming behavior, such as playing with hair or pressing fingers to lips
More active ways to uncover lies
  1. Ask the person to tell the story in reverse.  Increasing the mental load makes lying more difficult—although telling a lie is more mentally taxing than telling the truth anyway.
  2. Trust your instincts.  We may have an unconscious, intuitive response to lying that gets drowned out if we spend too much time focusing on the non-verbals stereotypically associated with lying.
Consider an individual’s tells
Successful card players learn to hide when they are bluffing and to identify what the other players do when they have good or bad hands.  The same might be true for your characters.  Does she blush?  Does he stutter?  Does he rub  his chin?  Does she bounce her knee?  Does your character have a poker face?  And if so, is s/he on the side of good or evil (so to speak).


If your burger keeps walking away, that could be a sign that it is a liar. And not a burger.

Bonus info about lying
  • The closer the liar is to the deceived, the more likely the lies are to be an altruistic (fake positive) one
  • Women are especially likely to stretch the truth to spare someone’s feelings
  • Men are more prone to lying about themselves: conversations between two guys contain about eight times as many self-oriented lies as they do falsehoods about other people

Bottom line for writers:
  • Lying is rampant, so there ought to be at least a little of it in your story
  • Lying can abet virtually any goal
  • Lies can be of virtually any size or seriousness
  • Pay attention to age, relationship, and gender differences